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MMarte Produções is the professional incarnation of the couple Márcia Deretti and Márcio Júnior – aliens for whom work, art, pleasure and life not only mix, but are indistinguishable.

Apparently – but only apparently – schizophrenic, MMarte is dedicated to various branches of cultural production, with a certain emphasis on animation cinema. Since 2007, the International Animation Day has been held in Goiás. And in 2009, it gave birth to the training project Escola Goiana de Desenho Animado (EGDA).

Ogro, launched in 2011, inaugurates MMarte as an audiovisual producer. So far, there are eight short films completed , seven of them in animation. Authored, the films are divided into projects directed by Martians Márcia & Márcio, or by animators from EGDA. Three new animations are in production, scheduled for release in 2021 – depending on the existence of the world, of course.

Created by Márcio Júnior in 1999, CRASH – INTERNATIONAL FANTASTIC CINEMA EXHIBITION has 12 editions. A landmark of Goiás audiovisual and number one enemy of conservatism, the festival focuses on the most daring genre cinema (horror, science fiction, fantasy and similar lunacies) than one can imagine.

In 2017 MMarte realizes an old dream: to enter the publishing market. Since then, we've published comics and literature, poetry (or almost) and film studies, hardcover books and beautiful zines in limited editions. In line for the press, only good thing.

More than a cultural producer, MMarte is a utopia. A red planet where everyone who believes in independent art and culture has irrevocable asylum. Welcome.

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